Community Fund

Arts Recipients

The Japanese Canadian Legacies Society is pleased to announce the results of the Community Fund Arts stream.  We received a strong response across the country from a broad range of applicants representing many disciplines.  We thank the artists – all of them Descendants – and their collaborators, for their thoughtfulness, care, and creativity in putting together their applications. JCLS is grateful for the hard work of the Assessment Team who had the challenging task of evaluating the more than 100 applications. Deep appreciation goes to Naomi Sawada, Melisa Kamibayashi StaplesTani Miki, and Walter Quan for their thoughtful, rigorous work on this important stream. Thanks also to the Advisory Committee of Midi OnoderaJennifer Hashimoto, and Melisa Kamibayashi Staples who refined the guidelines prior to opening the funding stream.

“Thank you so much for this opportunity and the recognition of my grandparents’ historic experience. I look forward to creating a project that honours their experience and reflects the creative expression of a contemporary Japanese woman.”

– Arts recipient

“This project at its core is all about my experience growing up as a Japanese Canadian, and it seems absolutely perfect to get support from an organization about recognizing our elders, past and present, and honouring their resilience. I am profoundly honoured to receive this support. My grandfather Kyoshi passed away in early 2023, which makes this feel even more significant.”

– Arts recipient

“I am absolutely thrilled to receive the Arts Grant! And I am so pleased to be able to continue honouring my elders and community through my work thanks to this grant. Writing is pretty lonely work, and to get such encouragement and a vote of confidence from you makes me know and deeply feel that I am on the right track. Thank you so much for your consideration, your work, and for this fantastic honour.”

– Arts recipient


  • Paul Aihoshi

    Writing, workshopping, and creating the final draft of a screenplay, The Sushi Family

  • Mitchell Akiyama

    Collaborative project with Emma Nishimura to construct a shrine to commemorate “Frog Paradise”

  • Emiko Tatebe Berman

    Creation of a book and exhibit about the artist’s maternal grandmother, her Babbi, tentatively titled Mémoire(s)

  • Molly Jesse-Fujiye Caldwell

    Creation of a Butsudan and Wedding Dress Tapestry with a family collaboration component

  • Jeff Chiba Stearns

    Creation of a historical fantasy-based graphic novel Ojiichan’s Dragon. The story takes place between the years 1942-1946 and is set in a Japanese Canadian internment camp in New Denver.

  • Timmi Fuk 

    Collaboration with Ken Galloway, Curator, on the fourth edition of the JapanTown Series, a repainting of the original JapanTown Wall at Sanko Trading with the theme, “Building Blocks: Remembering Raymond Moriyama”

  • Laura K Fukumoto

    Developing and writing the manuscript for a book of poetry, Strand

  • Ben Hiroshi Crowe Fukuzawa

    Recording an album of original songs, a blend of indie rock and experimental modern classical music, titled Anybody

  • Jason Peter Furukawa

    Development of a short documentary film, The Murder of Yoshi Uno, based on a little-known true crime story

  • Kono Kaze

    Production of a studio album of original alternative R&B songs

  • Barb ‘Miiko’ Gravlin

    Creation of a new series of large paintings for a public exhibition as well as a printed journal or book describing the creative journey from the artist’s beginnings as an abstract painter to the new works of 2025

  • Alexa Kumiko Hatanaka

    Development and exhibition of sculptural washi/hybrid paper works

  • Kellen Toshio Hatanaka

    Production of an exhibition of new painting and sculptural work

  • Daniel Taiki Hatashita

    Creation of a line of 18 traditional Japanese blades including five sushi knives (Yanagibaʼs), ten gyuto-style kitchen knives, and three samurai swords, with the goal of maintaining the traditional Japanese style, while incorporating a totally unique approach that focuses on transforming these iconic blades into original art

  • Aaron Homma

  • Atleigh Keiko Leslie Homma

    Creation of paintings and quilted textile pieces to be exhibited in a solo show

  • Marlene J Howell (Nee Seki)

    Creation and completion of a set of acrylic paintings with a Japanese Canadian theme

  • John Tsutomu Ikeda

    Creation of a collection of wood-fired ceramic tea bowls worthy of the tea ceremony originally inspired by zen buddhism

  • Kunji Ikeda

    Production of a professionally staged presentation of the play God Said This

  • Kayla Isomura

    Creation of ghosts (of my family’s past), a visual essay combining photography and film mediums

  • Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa

    Development of 千代 Chiyo: A Thousand Generations, an evening-length interdisciplinary solo performance work for speaking pianist

  • Kyla Jamieson

    Development of a new poetry manuscript tentatively titled It Was Never That I Didnʼt Love You

  • Danielle Harumi Jette

    Creation of a series of illustrated greeting cards and art prints inspired by the unique and evolving cultural identity of the Lower Mainland

  • Sachiko Johnston

    Collaboration with twin sister Kiyomi Burgin to create a collection of six to eight knitting patterns for the hand knitter

  • Maya Kiku Kamo

    Creation, completion, and exhibition of mixed media collage, portraiture, pattern design, and screen printing

  • Kate Kamo McHugh

    Collaboration with Colin Boyd Shafer to create Retraced, a multimedia piece utilizing portraits, recorded movement, and live performance

  • Matthew Kariatsumari

    A gallery exhibition of nine mixed-media works

  • Shandy Kariatsumari

    Collaborative work showcasing surfboards with Japanese art and Japanese Artists at the Tofino Gallery of Contemporary Art

  • Paul Kawabe

    Creation and performance of a new piece of music on the theme of navigating cultural identity

  • Katsumi Kimoto

    Creating a series of book of sketches, limited edition prints and original paintings inspired by the artist’s return to his hometown of Ucluelet, BC, tracing the journey of his grandfather’s boat under the title The Missing Link

  • Jenn Kitagawa

    Creation of an exhibition, Natural Computing, that will consist of textiles, sculpture and displays made from wood

  • Kel Kitagawa

    Development of No Idea, a musical short film

  • Brian Kobayakawa

    Creation of ten new musical works, to be released for the first time under the artist’s own name

  • NoriNori

    Unraveling the mystery of Japanese songs, shigin, and family internment secrets with contemporary kōdan (講談), Japanese traditional storytelling

  • Tsuneko Kokubo

    Creation of Following the Water, a painting on a 5ft high by 30ft long scroll, in an attempt to capture the essence of water in a range of its infinite manifestations, in addition to smaller canvases and sketches for exhibition purposes.

  • Joy Kogawa

    Collaborative readings from “From the Lost and Found Department”.

  • Bradley Kazuo Kurushima

    Creation of an original short film in collaboration with video artist Jeffery Chong to accompany new single, “Sundown Curfew”

  • Kokichi McCrae Kusano

    Composition, development, and teaching of an original 30-minute musical work in the style of Japanese ohayashi, or festival music

  • Nicole Larsen / Ripple & Rise

    Creation of a series of works in different mediums including risograph art prints, silkscreen prints, textile arts (embroidery and sewing), paintings and ceramics to honour the life that the artist’s grandma has lived, as well as the strengths and struggles that so many Japanese Canadians share

  • Mayumi Lashbrook

    Creation and presentation of a new solo butoh dance performance choreographed by Denise Fujiwara

  • ÓFukami

    Recording of a soundscape album using theremin, voice and a self-built koto-like instrument with compositions that will correspond with a sci-fi/time travelling romance that explores the theme of nostalgia through a futuristic lens

  • Kevin Takahide Lee

    Creation of a new script based on the life of First World War Japanese Canadian soldier Zennosuke Inouye

  • Suzanne Liska

    Research, creation, and presentation of a contemporary musical dance piece tentatively titled Mythological Shape Shifting: A Multi-Disciplinary Dance Creation Project that explores how three dancing, Canadian diasporic bodies engage with, become shaped by, and animate the artist’s Japanese mythological cultural inheritances

  • Shawne Yukimi MacIntyre

    Researching and writing a novel for middle grade (8-12 years old) youth set in 1943 – 44, featuring a 12-year-old Japanese Canadian protagonist who turns to judo to keep his confusion and anger at bay

  • Michael Hitoshi Maddeaux

    Production of a short film that takes place in the late 90s, looking at intergenerational trauma through a Japanese Canadian lens

  • Craig Minoru Madokoro

    Creation of a five-minute animated short film telling the tale of the artist’s grandfatherʼs life in Canada using a combination of stop motion and computed animated software.

  • Julie Tamiko Manning

    Creation of a new play based on her grandparents, 孤村 LONESOME VILLAGE

  • Geoff Miki

    Creation of a series of 20 paintings, screenprints, block prints and mixed media drawings looking at the portable cassette player from 1980 to 2000, examining the technology’s impact on society

  • Sharon Mayumi Minemoto

    Composition, recording, and performance of eight new instrumental music compositions inspired by the artist’s familyʼs experience before, during and after the war

  • Matt Miwa

    A collaboration with shodo artist Yukari Snyder combining illustrations with the shodo practice

  • Cindy Nami Mochizuki

    Development of a work of bio-fiction, Mejiro, Mejiro, Mejiro / (メジロ、メジロ、メジロ), comprised of a graphic novel and workshop performance with actors and musicians

  • Connor Miki Morton

    A documentary focusing on the life of the artist’s grandmother

  • Natalie Yukiko Murao

    Post production work on film TEARS BURN TO ASH

  • Dona Nabata

    Creation of The Picnic, a series of paintings based on found photographs

  • Kiyoshi Nagata

    Development of musical compositions and demo recording for Ghosts in the Forest

  • Judy Nakagawa

    Creation of Failure to Contain II, a large-scale suspended sculpture

  • Carolyn Nakagawa

    Collaborate with Yoriko Gillard to create English-language translations of haiku and tanka written by issei in Canada

  • Vivien Midori Nishi

    Presentation of a series of open table readings for feature film script development and cultural feedback for story ideas based in Japanese Canadian history

  • Masashi Nishihata

    Creation of an audio + visual installation that explores the relationship between elemental memory, impermanence, and cataclysm

  • Louise Mitsuko Noguchi

    Creation and exhibition of Shape of Loss, involving a performative aspect of drawing the hulls of the 1337 fishing boats that were confiscated in 1942, along with the exhibition of the completed drawing

  • Baco Ohama

    Development of still, not still, working with language to surface tangible works through curiosity and wonderings, intuition, and exploratory play

  • Lara Jean Kinuye Okihiro

    Development of a fiction manuscript interweaving the artist’s grandfather’s haikus with the artist’s storytelling

  • Randall Okita

    Creation of Our Home Is Now, a short film that combines elements of theatre and sculpture to tell part of the artist’s story and how it connects to our story, exploring history, memory and identity

  • Midi Onodera

    Developing No gods gallery installation and video project utilizing the traditional form of a fairy tale and inspired by contemporary Japanese magic realism

  • Tamiko Potts

    Creation of When The Blossoms Fade, a 20-minute documentary that follows the search for the artist’s Japanese identity and explores intergenerational trauma from a Japanese Canadian perspective

  • Michael Prior

    Collaboration with Kerri Sakamoto and Leanne Toshiko Simpson to produce Out of the Silence, an anthology of Japanese Canadian writing

  • Jason Sakaki

    Creation of the film Ramen Boys, a short romantic comedy

  • Nayo Sasaki-Picou

    A series of video monologues and a photographic essay, based on revised family journal entries

  • Silke Seiler

    Creation with collaborator Kristos Seiler of a series of 3D sculptural pieces using ocean-rounded wood found on south coastal beaches

  • Kathy Shimizu

    Through the creation of a book (hand-bound version and for sharing, digitally-printed and online copies), this project aims to help foster dialogue about the many layers of Paueru Gai and its history while adding to the materials, discourse, and educational potential created by sharing JC history through art and engagement. It will speak to underrepresented narratives, displacement and dispossession of communities, and how they might be understood.

  • Will Shintani

    Creation of an international sticker art exhibit, Stuck Together

  • Laura Michiko Shintani

    Development of a sculptural structure, A Mediation: House of Dreams

  • Sandra Sugimoto

    Writing and illustrating a family memoir using a mashup of prose, poetry, and comics, combining collage, photos, and ink with the digital medium Procreate

  • Ashley Kiyoko Sugimoto

    Researching and crafting a multi-lingual screenplay, Osechi (working title)

  • Annie Sumi

    Composing a collection of songs and poems inspired by waterscapes for a performance art project “Overflow” in a three-part collaborative process

  • Stephanie Akiko Takagi

    Creation of a large interactive piece to facilitate understanding the weight of what it felt like to grow up as a Japanese Canadian in BC

  • Candie Tanaka

    Creation of a literary fiction manuscript, The Seven Sins of the Japanese Mermaid, structured around the Seven Sins, the Seven Virtues and some of the poisons in Buddhism

  • Carmel Tanaka

    Development of script for Jewpanese Play (working title), an immersive one-person multimedia storytelling experience, exploring identity, ancestral roots, loss of language and access to culture, intergenerational trauma, and breaking from that trauma through discovering and healing

  • Roddy Isao Tasaka

    Research and creation of a large-format graphic art piece that reflects the heritage of the Japanese Canadian West Coast Fishing Community, particularly the artist’s familyʼs history in the industry

  • Kazuhiro Ron Terada

    Creation of a 20-foot digital panoramic photographic image of an installation titled TL; DR (too long; didnʼt read) to be used as an insert for an artist book project housed within an exhibition catalogue

  • Emmie Tsumura

    Engaging in a documented self-directed residency, providing community collage workshops, and launching an interactive public exhibition

  • Miya Kimiye Turnbull

    Creation of three video performances featuring newly created self-portrait masks with music created by Hitoshi Sugiyama

  • David Turnbull

    Creation of a sculpture series based on gaman or ganborou, to endure

  • Megan Kiyoko Wray

    Research and creation of a poetry collection tentatively titled re:location, with a public reading

  • Scott Yamamura

    Creation of a short film, Asahi Brothers

  • Alejandro Yoshizawa

    Creation of a film, Withdrawal    

Japanese Canadian Legacies are initiatives that honour our elders past and present. We are grateful to be doing this work on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish peoples.