Category Monument

Japanese Canadian Monument Park & Japanese Garden

Joint Statement The Province of British Columbia, in partnership with the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society (JCLS)  is developing a Monument Park and Japanese Garden in Victoria, BC, the provincial capital. The Monument Park will honour the lives of 22,000 internment…

JC Legacies Monument Database Project Update

Monument | joint initiative with BC Government A monument in Victoria, the province’s Capitol, is being planned to honour all 22,000 Japanese Canadians who were forcibly uprooted and displaced from their BC coastal homes. The monument will be overseen by the…

Monument & Database of Names

Exciting progress is being made by the JC Monument Database team lead by University of Victoria’s Michael Abe who is developing the list of names of coastal living JCs, disambiguating 14,500 case files digitized through Landscapes of Injustice, plus researching…

Monument + Database

The Monument pillar of Japanese Canadian Legacies is comprised of two components:  the monument itself, and a database of names, which will be configured onto a monument wall. Japanese Canadian Legacy MonumentAs a lasting legacy, a monument will be built close…

Japanese Canadian Legacies are initiatives that honour our elders past and present. We are grateful to be doing this work on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish peoples.