Community & Culture
Thank you to the hundreds of applicants from across the country who shared their scholastic goals, along with compelling family histories that span several generations, and in the process personalized the experiences of Japanese Canadian families impacted by the historic injustices before, during, and after WWII.
A very special acknowledgment goes to the Scholarship Advisory of George Iwama, Lisa Domae, Kirsten McAllister, Jennifer Matsunaga, and David Moritsugu. This group emphasized the importance of this transgenerational legacy, along with presenting the clear goal to include and encourage applicants who are studying vocational and career studies, including trades.
We are also deeply grateful to the Assessment Team who juried the process and set protocols for evaluation. Led by David Moritsugu, both George Iwama and Kirsten McAllister continued from Advisory to the Assessment Team, joined by Richard Kobayashi – a Vancouver Island University Electrical Trades instructor, and, Bev Ohashi – the Director and Principal of Laureate College in Burlington Ontario.
The Scholarships stream was the first intake of the Community Fund and our goal was to be able to provide as many grants as possible to as many descendants as were eligible. We are so pleased with these results.
Scholarships Advisory & Assessment Team
Lisa Domae
Advisory/Assessment Intake 2
David Moritsugu
Advisory/Assessment Intake 1 & 2
George Iwama
Advisory/Assessment Intake 1
Kirsten McAllister
Advisory/Assessment Intake 1 & 2
Bev Ohashi
Assessment Intake 1 & 2
Richard Kobayashi
Assessment Intake 1 & 2
Jennifer Matsunaga